Software Development Life Cycle Interview Questions

Software Development Life Cycle Interview Questions


The SDLC, or Software Development Life Cycle, is a mechanism for creating high-quality, low-cost software in the shortest period. SDLC is a well-structured sequence of phases that enables a corporation to build high-quality software that has been properly tested and is ready for production promptly.

This Software Development Life Cycle will enable the delivery of efficient and high-quality software or hardware products to the end customer or customers in order to ensure high-quality goods or service development in hardware or software organizations.

You’ll find some important questions and solutions in this blog that might help you overcome Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) interviews.

In this article, we will be looking into two Interviews, which are:

  • Interview Questions for New Graduates in SDLC
  • Experienced SDLC Interview Questions


Interview Questions for New Graduates in SDLC

How do I define SDLC?

A well-defined process for creating high-quality, inexpensive software as quickly as feasible is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The goal of the SDLC is to develop great software that surpasses all requirements and expectations from customers. The SDLC creates and specifies a comprehensive plan with stages, or phases, each with its own procedure and outputs. It covers every step in the creation of a software product, including the planning, creation, testing, and distribution phases.


What is the Importance of the SDLC Process?

Following are some of the points that briefly describe the importance of the SDLC process:

  1. It provides an explanation of the need for project planning, scheduling, and budgeting.
  2. It enables some degree of control over the development procedure to ensure that the final product satisfies the original requirements.
  3. It gives a standard set of projects and deliverables a framework.
  4. It promotes growth by making project planning more visible to all stakeholders involved.
  5. It guarantees that the design and testing procedures that result in the release of a solution are effective and well managed.
  6. It is the best technique for managing and monitoring projects.
  7. It promotes client relationship enhancement and accelerates development.
  8. It helps the project administration strategy reduce project risk and costs.


Briefly Outline the Steps of a Typical SDLC Process.

Identifying what clients want is the focus of the planning phase of the SDLC. The software delivery lifecycle’s crucial step of project planning is when the team assesses costs and identifies the requirements for the new program;

1. Gathering Requirements

In order to determine the functions and demands of the application, planning includes defining the requirements. The software’s design and code are considered by the development team when they review the requirements.

2. Design

The software project’s requirements, analysis, and design data must all be condensed during the next step, known as design. Customer input and requirement gathering from the previous two phases are combined in this one. It represents a simulation of how a software program will operate. Architecture, platform, security, and user interface are a few of the specifics of this phase.

3. Development

This is where the actual writing of the code occurs. The first step in implementing a design is writing code. The coding specifications established by developers’ managers must be followed. The coding procedure involves a lot of additional tasks. A lot of developers need to work with others or brush up on their skills. Finding and fixing issues and defects is essential. The developers might present their work to the business analysts for any necessary adjustments or updates.

4. Testing

It’s important to carry out testing on an application before making it accessible to consumers. The testing group looks at the overall performance of the system. The number of errors and problems noticed by customers decreased during this period. There is a better degree of customer satisfaction as well as a higher rate of usage as a result.

4. Deployment

When a product is ready for deployment after extensive testing, it is made accessible to customers. The project’s size affects how complicated the deployment will be. Many companies choose to automate the deployment stage.

5. Maintenance

During this time, the developed product is taken care of. The software is regularly updated to reflect the evolving user-end environment or technology. Users uncover bugs that weren’t found during testing. It is necessary to solve these problems, which can necessitate additional development cycles.


Explain the Different SDLC Model Types.

The following are the most common models covered by SDLC:

  1. Waterfall model: The waterfall model is a well-known strategy for software engineering and product development that approaches the software development life cycle (SDLC) in a linear, sequential manner. The waterfall method emphasizes a sequential, logical procedure. It was the first software business model to experience widespread adoption. It is broken up into phases, with the output of one step serving as the input for the next. Study More.
  2. Agile model: Agile techniques completely ignore long-term planning and break tasks down into smaller iterations or parts. At the beginning of the development process, the project’s requirements and scope are established. Each iteration’s duration, length, and scope are all precisely predetermined in advance. Each iteration in the Agile process paradigm is a brief “frame” of time, lasting one to four weeks.
  3. Iterative model: The iterative method is one of the most simple software development life cycle models. There are various instances when the original or fundamental software requirements are evident but the project’s overall scope or feature set is ambiguous. Prioritizing initial growth and design, it steadily gains velocity as demands and complexity increase until the final program is entirely built.
  4. The spiral model is a risk management tactic that integrates elements of the waterfall technique with the iterative development process model. When working on big, expensive, and complicated projects, software developers prefer to use the spiral strategy.
  5. V-Model model: The V-model model Processes are carried out sequentially in a V-shape under the SDLC paradigm known as the V-model. It also goes by the name of the verification and validation model. The V-Model increases the waterfall model’s capabilities. There is an associated testing phase for each stage of the development cycle.


What is SRS?

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a written description of the functions and goals of a piece of software. It is a formal report that represents software and enables clients to determine whether SRS satisfies their needs.

The functionality that the product must have in order to satisfy the demands of all stakeholders is also described. This report is produced after all requirements have been gathered and examined, and it acts as the basis for duties related to software engineering.


What is a Feasibility Study?

A feasibility study, as its name suggests, evaluates or quantifies a software product to see whether it will be practicable for the firm to produce it. It establishes the project’s viability in terms of law, technology, and business.


What stage of the SDLC Model is Testing in?

Testing is one of the Software Development Lifecycle’s (SDLC) most crucial steps. It helps companies thoroughly assess software and ensure that their end product meets client requirements.

The major goal of the testing methods is to track, debug, report, and retest software components until they satisfy the initial SRS’s quality standards.

Numerous testing techniques, including quality assurance testing (QA), system integration testing (SIT), and user acceptability testing (UAT), are used during the testing process.


What SDLC Model Should You Choose, And Why?

Agile is the greatest SDLC technique and one of the most extensively used SDLCs in the IT industry, according to the annual State of Agile report. The adaptive agile technique does not require much planning, unlike other predictive methods.

During the sprint, adjustments can be made if necessary. It works best for projects that include plenty of consumer interaction and take place in dynamic environments.


What Benefits Does the SDLC Methodology Offer?

To provide the highest level of management control, a formal review is developed at the conclusion of each step. Using the SDLC, thorough system documentation may be produced. This makes it possible to connect system requirements to specific corporate objectives.

It produces a huge number of intermediate goods, which may be tested to determine if they meet the needs of the consumer and the standards set by the industry. These can be enhanced further if necessary to guarantee that the business gets exactly what it needs.


Which SDLC Process Drawbacks are there?

Make sure you comprehend all of the project’s specifics before you start. There was a tonne of paperwork produced while the project was being developed. Due to a lack of flexibility, it is challenging to adjust or adapt. The project will take longer and cost more if the planning is not done correctly. Fixing several bugs in the code can be time-consuming and result in deadlines being missed.


Describe HLD.

It speaks of the system’s overall layout. It gives the general description and design of the application. It also provides a quick overview of systems, services, platforms, and module linkages, in addition to a description of the system architecture and database design.

It develops the overall system architecture from the main module to each submodule. This is really useful for developers to understand how the system works.


Describe LLD.

The term “LLD” (Low-Level Design) refers to the process of detailing. It offers a comprehensive analysis of each module’s specs as well as a description of each module’s actual logic for each system component.


Experienced SDLC Interview Questions

What function does a JAD session serve?

Often used in the first stages of a systems development project, JAD is a method for identifying business system requirements. In order to identify the needs for the result system, JAD aims to bring MIS and end users together in a structured workshop format. It enables customers and developers to quickly reach consensus on a project’s essential scope, goals, and requirements.


What is the Procedure For Software Releases?

Production, deployment, and post-production operations—which often involve software maintenance and support—have historically been linked to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) release phase.

Therefore, release management refers to the process of organizing, scheduling, and managing complete software development at every level and environment, including software testing and release.


How can DDLC and SDLC Work Together?

Technical documenters create software documentation using the DDLC (Documentation Development Life Cycle), which is a software documentation development life cycle. Given that testers and developers are working on the application concurrently, the life cycle and the SDLC are followed together.


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The DDLC contains stages that are analogous to the SDLC since the documentation requires input and feedback from the various phases of the SDLC.


What is the Capability Maturity Model?

A cross-disciplinary and technological paradigm for streamlining and improving software development procedures is the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). The majority of management systems that work to raise the standard of all product and service development and delivery have this technique at their core.


What are the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) levels?

The five levels of the capability maturity model are as follows:


Making the process environment unstable is the first step. The process of creating software is sometimes regarded as chaotic and random. There aren’t many ways that have been established, and bravery and hard work are what determine success.

Work that is repeated is planned out and kept track of. Basic project management strategies are used to monitor cost, schedule, and functionality.


This level has clearly stated criteria that develop over time and promote dependable performance. At this time, the work has a clear definition.


A lot of information on the software development cycle and product calibre is obtained. Both the development process and the final deliverables for software are controlled and measured.


The basis of work is ongoing improvement (optimization). An important aspect of this level is the emphasis on continually enhancing process performance.


What are the Duties of a Software Project Manager?

The task of seeing the project through to completion falls to the software project manager. A logical and well-defined approach to software development must be followed by the entire team, according to the software project manager. Additionally, they oversee risk management, resource management, project monitoring, and project planning.


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How Can Software Management of Configurations Function? What is it?

The term “software configuration management” refers to the practice of monitoring and controlling changes that take place throughout the software development lifecycle. A specified and regulated method must be used to track every change made to software during development.

Configuration management enables any alterations made during software development to be controlled by a clear procedure. Two SCM practices are baseline creation and revision control.


List of Powerful SDLC Tool

  • Jira: A variety of groups can use this software to manage workflows more easily. Jira was designed to be a straightforward solution for tracking activities and mistakes. But with time, it has developed into a reliable workflow management tool.
  • Git is an open-source distributed version control system. A version control system, or VCS, may be of great use to developers looking to study changes and contributions to the entire code. An essential component of the SDLC is this management tool for software customization.
  • Confluence: Confluence is an excellent solution for creating product research documents and exchanging design elements at this level.
  • Asana: Asana helps teams plan their work, from little tasks to major projects. Regardless of where they are situated, teams that utilize Asana are more assured, work more quickly, and get more done with fewer resources.


What are the various Development Environments in Relation to the SDLC?

The following environments are utilized while using the SDLC:

  • Developers may make changes in a development environment without affecting anything in a live environment. The phrase “workspace for developers” is commonly used to describe the development environment.
  • System Integration Testing/Quality Analysis (SIT/QA): In a QA setting, you test your update process using data, hardware, and software that closely approaches the production environment, and you provide the intended users with the opportunity to test the results.
  • User acceptance testing (UAT) environments, sometimes referred to as staging environments, enable the application’s core users to test out new features before they are introduced to the live environment.
  • Real consumers and users engage with the software product in the “production” environment, sometimes referred to as “live.”

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