How to Delete Excel Spreadsheet: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Delete Excel Spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel is a powerful data management tool; however, there may be times when you need to delete a spreadsheet.  Whether you want to clear your workspace, delete old data, or start over, deleting an Excel spreadsheet is a simple process. We’ll lead you through the steps to delete a spreadsheet in Excel in this comprehensive guide.

How to Delete Excel Spreadsheet Using the Right Click Method

Step 1:

Choose the Spreadsheet

Select which spreadsheet you want to delete. Excel organizes numerous sheets into a worksheet, and you must choose which sheet to delete or remove.

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Step 2:

Right-click on the >>Sheet Tab<< 

Sheet tabs representing each spreadsheet in the workbook can be found at the bottom of the Excel window. Right-click on the spreadsheet tab you wish to delete and select delete. It brings up a menu.

Step 3:

Choose >>Delete<< from the menu.

Search and select the >>Delete<< option from the menu. Excel will display a confirmation notification to ensure you wish to proceed with the deletion.

Step 4:

Confirm Deletion

Read the confirmation notice carefully to ensure you are deleting the correct spreadsheet. If you’re satisfied, click >>OK<< to confirm and delete the spreadsheet you’ve chosen.

Then, after confirming the deletion notification, make sure to save your work before exiting Excel. If you merely delete the sheet and make no other changes, Excel may prompt you to save changes automatically.

How to Delete Excel Spreadsheet Using the Ribbon Method

You can also delete a spreadsheet by using the ribbon at the top of the Excel window. Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1:

Select the sheet tab of the spreadsheet to be deleted.

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Select the >>Home<< tab from the ribbon.

Step 3:

Find the >>Delete<< option in the >>Cells<< group.

Step 4:

Click the tiny arrow next to >>Delete<< to bring up a drop-down option.

Step 5:

Choose >>Delete Sheet<< from the drop-down option. Excel will display a confirmation notification to ensure you wish to proceed with the deletion, and then click on >>Delete<<.

How to Delete Multiple Sheets or Spreadsheets in Excel

Now that you know how to delete Excel spreadsheets or sheets using the two methods above, let’s talk about how to delete multiple sheets in Excel.

You can use the following method to delete multiple sheets in Excel:

Step 1:

To delete multiple sheets, you need to choose the sheets or spreadsheet to be deleted.

Choose the first sheet tab to delete; here we first select the first sheet (Sheet 2), but you can select any sheet you wish.

Step 2:

Click and hold down the “Shift” key on your keyboard. This will enable you to select multiple sheets you wish to delete.

Towards the bottom of your Excel window, choose the tabs for the sheets you want to delete.

Step 3:

3. Right-click on any of the sheets you’ve chosen to open a drop-down menu.

Step 4:

4. You will notice a >>Delete<< option towards the top of the drop-down menu. Choose the option (that’s Delete)

You might also delete by right-clicking and pressing the “D” key on your keyboard.

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How To Delete Excel Spreadsheet On Mac

Deleting an Excel spreadsheet on a Mac is an easy step that requires the use of the Finder application. The steps below will walk you through the steps of locating the file, moving it to the trash, and permanently deleting it:

Step 1:

Once you’ve discovered the spreadsheet you want to delete, click on it to select it.

Step 2:

After you’ve selected it, you can either right-click on it and choose >>Move to Trash<< from the menu, or you may use the keyboard shortcut >> Command () + Delete.

Step 3:

To permanently delete the file, empty the trash. This may be accomplished by either right-clicking the Trash icon in the dock and selecting >>Empty Trash<< or by opening the Trash and pressing the >>Empty<< button in the upper-right corner.

Step 4:

If prompted, click the >>Empty Trash << or >>Confirm<< button to confirm that you want to delete the file.

That’s the end of it! Your Mac’s Excel spreadsheet has been erased. Remember that after you empty the trash, the file cannot be recovered, so make certain you truly want to remove it.

How do I delete multiple sheets in Excel on a Mac?

  1. Choose the items you wish to delete. Select one of the sheets to be deleted 
  2. Then command-click on the others to add them to the selection (that’s holding down your control key on your keyboard to select other cells).
  3. Click on Delete on your keyboard, or go to >>Edit << and then Delete.
  4. Confirm your choice. You’ll see a drop-down menu asking, “Are you sure?” To confirm, click the >>Delete<< button.

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It only takes a few clicks to delete an Excel spreadsheet. Whether you use the right-click approach or the ribbon, always double-check that you are removing the correct sheet before finalizing the operation.

Keeping your Excel workbooks organized and clutter-free is critical for efficient data management, and you now have the skills to eliminate superfluous sheets with confidence.

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